power an np array code example

Example 1: matrix pow python

>>> from numpy.linalg import matrix_power
>>> i = np.array([[0, 1], [-1, 0]]) # matrix equiv. of the imaginary unit
>>> matrix_power(i, 3) # should = -i
array([[ 0, -1],
       [ 1,  0]])
>>> matrix_power(i, 0)
array([[1, 0],
       [0, 1]])
>>> matrix_power(i, -3) # should = 1/(-i) = i, but w/ f.p. elements
array([[ 0.,  1.],
       [-1.,  0.]])

Example 2: np.power

>>> x1 = range(6)
>>> x1
[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
>>> np.power(x1, 3)
array([  0,   1,   8,  27,  64, 125])