print last n characters of string python code example

Example 1: how to select last 2 elements in a string python

>>>mystr = "abcdefghijkl"

>>>mystr[:-4] #to select all but last 4 characters

Example 2: check strings last letter python

sample_str = 'Sample String'
# Get last character of string i.e. char at index position -1
last_char = sample_str[-1]
print('Last character : ', last_char)
# Output
Last charater : g

Example 3: last character of string in python

a = '123456789'

#to get last char, acess index -1

#this works the same as:

#instead of 1, subtract n to get string's nth char from last
#let n = 4


Example 4: Complete the function to return the last X number of characters in the given string

def getLast(mystring, x):
    y=len(mystring) - x                  #finding index from where the string needs to be printed
    for i in range(y,(len(mystring))):   # printing from y index to end of string
getLast('WGU College of IT', 13)