problems on matrices in python code example

Example 1: how to get matrix element in the form of matrix in python

# A basic code for matrix input from user 
R = int(input("Enter the number of rows:")) 
C = int(input("Enter the number of columns:")) 
# Initialize matrix 
matrix = [] 
print("Enter the entries rowwise:") 
# For user input 
for i in range(R):          # A for loop for row entries 
    a =[] 
    for j in range(C):      # A for loop for column entries 
# For printing the matrix 
for i in range(R): 
    for j in range(C): 
        print(matrix[i][j], end = " ") 

Example 2: python matrix algorithms

import numpy 

x = numpy.array([[1, 2], [4, 5]]) 
y = numpy.array([[7, 8], [9, 10]]) 

# using sqrt() to print the square root of matrix 
print ("The element wise square root is : ") 
print (numpy.sqrt(x)) 
# using sum() to print summation of all elements of matrix 
print ("The summation of all matrix element is : ") 
print (numpy.sum(y)) 
# using sum(axis=0) to print summation of all columns of matrix 
print ("The column wise summation of all matrix  is : ") 
print (numpy.sum(y,axis=0)) 
# using sum(axis=1) to print summation of all columns of matrix 
print ("The row wise summation of all matrix  is : ") 
print (numpy.sum(y,axis=1)) 
# using "T" to transpose the matrix 
print ("The transpose of given matrix is : ") 
print (x.T)