python program arguments code example

Example 1: python get command line arguments

import sys
print("This is the name of the script:", sys.argv[0])
print("Number of arguments:", len(sys.argv))
print("The arguments are:" , str(sys.argv))

#Example output
#This is the name of the script:
#Number of arguments in: 3
#The arguments are: ['', 'arg1', 'arg2']

Example 2: python read arguments


import sys

print('Number of arguments:', len(sys.argv), 'arguments.')
print('Argument List:', str(sys.argv))

Example 3: python arguments

import sys

print ("the script has the name %s" % (sys.argv[0])

Example 4: program arguments python


import sys

for args in sys.argv:

If you were to call the program with subsequent arguments, the output 
will be of the following
python3 homie no


Example 5: python function arguments

#*args and **kwargs are normally used as arguments when calling the function.

#*args returns as tuple and **kwargs returns as dictionary.

#*args and **kwargs  let you write functions with variable number of arguments in python.

def func(required,*args,**kwargs):
    return f"{required} {args} {kwargs}"
func("Nagendra",5,32,2,1,23,) #output == 'Nagendra (5, 32, 2, 1, 23) {}'
func("Nagendra",5,32,2,1,23,key1="55",key2="75") #output == "Nagendra (5, 32, 2, 1, 23) {'key1': '55', 'key2': '75'}"

#Very understable example of args.
#Given n number of arguments in a function calculate its average
def average(*args):
  As we already know *args means collection of values in a tuple.
  INPUT: arguments are given. example average(4,10,) 
  OUTPUT: average of two numbers (4+10)/2 == 14
  return sum(args)/len(args)

average(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15) #output == 8.0