pyhton f string how to {} code example

Example 1: f string in python

# f-strings are short for formatted string like the following
# you can use the formatted string by two diffrent ways
# 1
name = "John Smith"
print(f"Hello, {name}")		# output = Hello, John Smith

# 2
name = "John Smith"
print("Hello, {}".format(name))		# output = Hello, John Smith

Example 2: python f string


An f-string stands for 'function-string' it's just used to work with 
strings more appropiately, they do the exact same job as concantenating
strings but are more efficient and readable.

# Concantenating strings:

Age = "25"

print("I am "+Age+" years old.")

# Using f strings:

Age = 25

print(f"I am {Age} years old.")

# ^ notice the letter 'f' at the begining of the string.
# That defines the string as being an f-string.

# A third way of inputting variables into a string is by using
# .format()

Age = "25"

print("I am {} years old.".format(Age))

# If you had more than one variable:

Age = "25"
Name = "Jeff"

print("I am {} years old, and my name is {}.".format(Age,Name))