Python code checker and corrector code example

Example 1: python linter online

sudo apt-get install pylint

Example 2: python code checker and corrector

size = int(input("enter length of list:"))
numlist = [0]*size
i = 0
    numlist[i] = int(input("enter values:"))
    i += 1
mostRepeatedvalue = 0
prevfrequency = 0
frequency = 0
i = 0 
while (i < size):
    if numlist[i]== numlist [j]:
        prevFrequency += 1
    if prevFrequency > frequency:
        frequency = prevFrequency 
        mostRepeatedValue = numlist[i]
    alif prevFrequency == frequency:
        frequency = prevFrequency
    j += i
 prevFrequency = 0
 i += 1
 print("\nmostRepeated value :"+(str(mostRepeated value))
 print("\nfrequency is:" +str(frequency))"""

Example 3: python code checker

Waarheidgeboorte = int(input("in welk jaar ben je gebooren:")

while Waarheidgeboorte = 2007
      do print(je bent Lukas Roggen)