python data types range code example
Example 1: python data types
# Pyhton data types
# Integer
age = 18
# Float (AKA Floating point number)
current_balance = 51.28
# Boolean
is_tall = False # can be set to either True or False
# String
message = "Have a nice day"
# List
my_list = ["apples", 5, 7.3]
# Dictionary
my_dictionary = {'amount': 75}
# Tuple
coordinates = (40, 74) # can NOT be changed later
# Set
my_set = {5, 6, 3}
Example 2: python data types
# Float
average_tutorial_rating = 4.01
# Integer
age = 20
# Boolean
tutorials_are_good = True # True or False
# arrays/lists
numbers = [1, 2, 3]