python for loop declaration code example

Example 1: loops in python

#While Loop:
while ("condition that if true the loop continues"):
  #Do whatever you want here
else: #If the while loop reaches the end do the things inside here
  #Do whatever you want here

#For Loop:
for x in range("how many times you want to run"):
  #Do whatever you want here

Example 2: python loop

# A loop is used to iterate over a sequence
# The format of a loop is
for variable in object:

# A common use of a for loop is using the range() function
for num in range(1, 10):
# It can also be used with a list
new_list = ["Number 1", "Number 2", "Number 3", "Number 4"]
for x in new_list:

Example 3: for loops

MyString = ""
for i in range(5):
  MyString += "hi"