python get index from list code example

Example 1: get index of list python


Example 2: python index method

my_string = "Hello World!"

my_string.index("l") # outputs 2
# this method only outputs the index of the first "l" value in the string/list

Example 3: python get index and value from list

test = [ 'test 1', 'test 2', 'test 3' ]
for index, value in enumerate( test ):
  print( index, value )

Example 4: find index of elem list python

# Find index position of first occurrence of 'Ok' in the list 
indexPos = listOfElems.index('Ok')
print('First index of element "Ok" in the list : ', indexPos)

Example 5: how to index lists in python

# Make the list
list = ['bananas', 'apples', 'watermellon']
# Print the word apples from the list

Example 6: how to find index of list of list in python

[(i, colour.index(c))
 for i, colour in enumerate(colours)
 if c in colour]