python grocery list script stu code example
Example: codio grocery list python
grocery_item = {}
grocery_history = []
stop = False
while not stop:
item_name = input("Item name:\n")
quantity = input("Quantity purchased:\n")
cost = input("Price per item:\n")
grocery_item = {'name':item_name, 'number': int(quantity), 'price': float(cost)}
user_input = input("Would you like to enter another item?\nType 'c' for continue or 'q' to quit:\n")
if user_input == 'q':
stop = True
grand_total = 0
for index, item in enumerate(grocery_history):
item_total = item['number'] * item['price']
grand_total = grand_total + item_total
print('%d %s @ $%.2f ea $%.2f' % (item['number'], item['name'], item['price'], item_total))
item_total = 0
print('Grand total: $%.2f' % grand_total)