python how t owrite a class code example
Example 1: class and object in python
class PartyAnimal:
def Party():
an.Party()# this is same as 'PartyAnimal.Party(an)'
Example 2: how to create an object in python
class ClassName:
self.attribute_1 = variable_1 #Set attributes for all object instances
self.attrubute_2 = variable_2
def __init__(self, attribute_3, attribute_4): #Set attributes at object creation
self.attribute_3 = attribute_3
self.attribute_4 = attribute_4
def method(self): #All methods should include self
print("This is a method example.") #Define methods just like functions
object = Object(4, "string") #Set attribute_3 and attribute_4
object.method() #Methods are called like this.