python opengl freetype code example

Example: python opengl freetype

import freetype as ft

# change the filename if necessary
face = ft.Face("Vera.ttf")
# the size is specified in 1/64 pixel
# initialize Stroker
stroker = ft.Stroker()
# change the outline size if necessary
# override default load flags to avoid rendering the character during loading
face.load_char('S', ft.FT_LOAD_FLAGS['FT_LOAD_DEFAULT'])
# initialize C FreeType Glyph object
glyph = ft.FT_Glyph()
# extract independent glyph from the face
ft.FT_Get_Glyph(face.glyph._FT_GlyphSlot, ft.byref(glyph))
# initialize Python FreeType Glyph object
glyph = ft.Glyph(glyph)
# stroke border and check errors
error = ft.FT_Glyph_StrokeBorder(ft.byref(glyph._FT_Glyph), stroker._FT_Stroker, False, False)
if error:
    raise ft.FT_Exception(error)
# bitmapGlyph is the rendered glyph that we want
bitmapGlyph = glyph.to_bitmap(ft.FT_RENDER_MODES['FT_RENDER_MODE_NORMAL'], 0)