Python slicing example
Example 1: slicing in python
word = "Example"
# Obtain the first 3 characters of "Example"
# E x a m p l e
# 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
# First 3 characters = "Exa"
sliced_word = word[:3] # Gives you "Exa"
# Everything after character #3 = "mple"
second_sliced_word = word[3:] # Gives you "mple"
Example 2: list slicing in python
ing in python listPython By Cruel Capuchin on Jun 29 2020
a = [1,2,3,4,5]
a[m:n] # elements grrater than equal to m and less than n
a[1:3] = [2,3]