python string multiple lines code example

Example 1: python multiline string

#you can start a multiline string with either ''' or """
'''This is a 

"""It can be used as a
multiline comment 

Example 2: format multi line string python

# String containing newline characters
line_str = "I'm learning Python.\nI refer to tutorials.\nIt is the most popular site for Python programmers."
print("Long string with newlines: \n" + line_str)

# Creating a multiline string
multiline_str = """I'm learning Python.
I refer to tutorials.
It is the most popular site for Python programmers."""
print("Multiline string: \n" + multiline_str)

Example 3: python multiple line string

value='Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque nisl eros, ", '\
'pulvinar facilisis justo mollis, auctor consequat urna. Morbi a bibendum metus. '\
'Donec scelerisque sollicitudin enim eu venenatis. Duis tincidunt laoreet ex, '\
'in pretium orci vestibulum eget. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent'\
'per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Duis pharetra luctus lacus ut '\
'vestibulum. Maecenas ipsum lacus, lacinia quis posuere ut, pulvinar vitae dolor.'

Example 4: python multILINE string

"""You can
use both 
double quotes
# in a normal string this will be displayed as
# And\nsingel\nquotes\n