Python: Quick and dirty datatypes (DTO)

One of the most promising things from with Python 3.6 is variable annotations. They allow to define namedtuple as class in next way:

In [1]: from typing import NamedTuple

In [2]: class Pruefer(NamedTuple):
   ...:     ident: int
   ...:     max_num: int
   ...:     name: str

In [3]: Pruefer(1,4,"name")
Out[3]: Pruefer(ident=1, max_num=4, name='name')

It same as a namedtuple, but is saves annotations and allow to check type with some static type analyzer like mypy.

Update: 15.05.2018

Now, in Python 3.7 dataclasses are present so this would preferable way of defining DTO, also for backwardcompatibility you could use attrs library.

I don't have much to add to the already excellent answer by Alexey Kachayev -- However, one thing that may be useful is the following pattern:

Pruefer.__new__.func_defaults = (1,float('inf'),"")

This would allow you to create a factory function which returns a new named-tuple which can have default arguments:

def default_named_tuple(name,args,defaults=None):
    named_tuple = collections.namedtuple(name,args)
    if defaults is not None:
        named_tuple.__new__.func_defaults = defaults
    return named_tuple

This may seem like black magic -- It did to me at first, but it's all documented in the Data Model and discussed in this post.

In action:

>>> default_named_tuple("Pruefer", "ident maxNum name",(1,float('inf'),''))
<class '__main__.Pruefer'>
>>> Pruefer = default_named_tuple("Pruefer", "ident maxNum name",(1,float('inf'),''))
>>> Pruefer()
Pruefer(ident=1, maxNum=inf, name='')
>>> Pruefer(3)
Pruefer(ident=3, maxNum=inf, name='')
>>> Pruefer(3,10050)
Pruefer(ident=3, maxNum=10050, name='')
>>> Pruefer(3,10050,"cowhide")
Pruefer(ident=3, maxNum=10050, name='cowhide')
>>> Pruefer(maxNum=12)
Pruefer(ident=1, maxNum=12, name='')

And only specifying some of the arguments as defaults:

>>> Pruefer = default_named_tuple("Pruefer", "ident maxNum name",(float('inf'),''))
>>> Pruefer(maxNum=12)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: __new__() takes at least 2 arguments (2 given)
>>> Pruefer(1,maxNum=12)
Pruefer(ident=1, maxNum=12, name='')

Note that as written, It's probably only safe to pass a tuple in as defaults. However, you could easily get more fancy by ensuring you have a reasonable tuple object within the function.

>>> from collections import namedtuple
>>> Pruefer = namedtuple("Pruefer", "ident maxNum name")
>>> pr = Pruefer(1,2,3)
>>> pr.ident
>>> pr.maxNum
>>> hash(pr)

To provide default values, you need to do little bit more... Simple solution is to write subclass with redefinition for __new__ method:

>>> class Pruefer(namedtuple("Pruefer", "ident maxNum name")):
...     def __new__(cls, ident, maxNum=float('inf'), name=""):
...         return super(Pruefer, cls).__new__(cls, ident, maxNum, name)
>>> Pruefer(1)
Pruefer(ident=1, maxNum=inf, name='')

Are there any popular idioms in python to derive quick ... datatypes with named accessors?

Dataclases. They accomplish this exact need.

Some answers have mentioned dataclasses, but here is an example.


import dataclasses as dc

class Pruefer:
    ident : int
    maxnum : float = float("inf")
    name : str  = ""


pr = Pruefer(1, 2.0, "3")

# Pruefer(ident=1, maxnum=2.0, name='3')

# 1

# 2.0
# '3'

# -5655986875063568239


You get:

  • pretty reprs
  • default values
  • hashing
  • dotted attribute-access
  • ... much more

You don't (directly) get:

  • tuple unpacking (unlike namedtuple)

Here's a guide on the details of dataclasses.


