search dictionary by value python code example

Example 1: how to get the key for a value in a dictionary in python

# function to return key for any value 
def get_key(val): 
    for key, value in my_dict.items(): 
         if val == value: 
             return key 
    return "key doesn't exist"
# Driver Code 
my_dict ={"java":100, "python":112, "c":11} 

Example 2: search in dict python

dictionary = { "key1" : 1, "name" : "Jordan", "age" : 21 }
for key in dictionary.keys():
    print("the key is {} and the value is {}".format(key, dictionary[key]))
    # or print("the key is",key,"and the value is",dictionary[key])
# the key is key1 and the value is 1
# the key is name and the value is Jordan
# the key is age and the value is 21

Example 3: find key by value python
