Python setuptools: How can I list a private repository under install_requires?

I was trying to get this to work for installing with pip, but the above was not working for me. From [1] I understood the PEP508 standard should be used, from [2] I retrieved an example which actually does work (at least for my case).

Please note; this is with pip 20.0.2 on Python 3.7.4

         # Private repository
        '<dependency_name> @ git+ssh://[email protected]/<user>/<repo_name>@<branch>',
         # Public repository
        '<dependency_name> @ git+<user>/<repo_name>@<branch>',

After specifying my package this way installation works fine (also with -e settings and without the need to specify --process-dependency-links).

References [1] [2]

Here's what worked for me:

      'git+ssh://[email protected]/username/private_repo.git#egg=private_package_name-1.1',

Note that you have to have the version number in the egg name, otherwise it will say it can't find the package.

I couldn't find any good documentation on this, but came across the solution mainly through trial & error. Further, installing from pip & setuptools have some subtle differences; but this way should work for both.

GitHub don't (currently, as of August 2016) offer an easy way to get the zip / tarball of private repos. So you need to point setuptools to tell setuptools that you're pointing to a git repo:

from setuptools import setup
import os
# get deploy key from
github_token = os.environ['GITHUB_TOKEN']

    # ...
    dependency_links = [
        .format(github_token=github_token, package=package, version=master)

A couple of notes here:

  • For private repos, you need to authenticate with GitHub; the simplest way I found is to create an oauth token, drop that into your environment, and then include it with the URL
  • You need to include some version number (here is 0) at the end of the link, even if there's no package on PyPI. This has to be a actual number, not a word.
  • You need to preface with git+ to tell setuptools it's to clone the repo, rather than pointing at a zip / tarball
  • version can be a branch, a tag, or a commit hash
  • You need to supply --process-dependency-links if installing from pip