Python: Trying to Deserialize Multiple JSON objects in a file with each object spanning multiple but consistently spaced number of lines

Load 6 extra lines instead, and pass the string to json.loads():

with open(file) as f:
    for line in f:
        # slice the next 6 lines from the iterable, as a list.
        lines = [line] + list(itertools.islice(f, 6))
        jfile = json.loads(''.join(lines))

        # do something with jfile

json.load() will slurp up more than just the next object in the file, and islice(f, 0, 7) would read only the first 7 lines, rather than read the file in 7-line blocks.

You can wrap reading a file in blocks of size N in a generator:

from itertools import islice, chain

def lines_per_n(f, n):
    for line in f:
        yield ''.join(chain([line], itertools.islice(f, n - 1)))

then use that to chunk up your input file:

with open(file) as f:
    for chunk in lines_per_n(f, 7):
        jfile = json.loads(chunk)

        # do something with jfile

Alternatively, if your blocks turn out to be of variable length, read until you have something that parses:

with open(file) as f:
    for line in f:
        while True:
                jfile = json.loads(line)
            except ValueError:
                # Not yet a complete JSON value
                line += next(f)

        # do something with jfile

As stated elsewhere, a general solution is to read the file in pieces, append each piece to the last, and try to parse that new chunk. If it doesn't parse, continue until you get something that does. Once you have something that parses, return it, and restart the process. Rinse-lather-repeat until you run out of data.

Here is a succinct generator that will do this:

def load_json_multiple(segments):
    chunk = ""
    for segment in segments:
        chunk += segment
            yield json.loads(chunk)
            chunk = ""
        except ValueError:

Use it like this:

with open('foo.json') as f:
   for parsed_json in load_json_multiple(f):
      print parsed_json

I hope this helps.


