use of def __init__ in python code example
Example 1: what is init class python
The __init__ function serves two main purposes.
The first is its used as a tool to pass
arguments inside of it but the difference is you can spread those
arguments to other functions located in the same class.
To do this you would place the word (self.) keyword in another function
followed by the arguments name. This allows the argument to be spread
down to that function.
The second purpose is it allows you to pass arguments to a
class when calling the class. Without this function inside the class
when you call the class no arguments would be able to go inside getting
nothing in return.
Example 2: init in python
class Employee():
no_of_leaves = 8
def __init__(self, aname, asalary, arole): = aname
self.salary = asalary
self.role = arole
def printdetail(self):
return f"Name is {}. His salary is {self.salary}." \
f"and his role is {self.role}"