use variables in string python code example

Example 1: how to use variables in string in python

#Use f-string

x = 2
y = f'This is a string using variable x: {x}'

#This is a string using variable x: 2

Example 2: variable string in string python

>>> shepherd = "Mary"
>>> age = 32
>>> stuff_in_string = "Shepherd {} is {} years old.".format(shepherd, age)
>>> print(stuff_in_string)
Shepherd Mary is 32 years old.

Example 3: embed variables python

#Pre 3.6
print('Hi, my name is {name} and my age is {age}'.format(**locals()))

#After 3.6
print('Hi, my name is {name} and my age is {age}')

Example 4: insert into string python

>>> line = 'Kong Panda'
>>> index = line.find('Panda')
>>> output_line = line[:index] + 'Fu ' + line[index:]
>>> output_line
'Kong Fu Panda'