vlsm calculator python code example

Example 1: python calculator

num_one = int(input("Enter 1st number: "))

op = input("Enter operator: ")

num_two = int(input("Enter 2nd number: "))

if op == "+":
    print(num_one + num_two)
elif op == "-":
    print(num_one - num_two)
elif op == "*" or op == "x":
    print(num_one * num_two)
elif op == "/":
    print(num_one / num_two)

Example 2: how to make a calculator in python

# This will be one of the most advanced results you will find.

# We will be using classes and simple operators like +,-,*,/

class Calculator:
  def addition(a,b):
    return a + b

  def subtraction(a,b):
    if a<b:
      return b - a
      return a - b

  def multiplication(a,b):
    return a * b

  def division(a,b):	
    if a<b:
      return b / a
      return a / b

# You can do this in terminal.
>>> from main import Calculator
>>> result = Calculator.[addition|subtraction|multiplication|division](anyNumber, anyNumber)
>>> print(result)