Web server failed to start. Port 8080 was already in use. code example

Example 1: windows stop process running on port 8080

netstat  -ano  |  findstr  <Port Number>
taskkill  /F  /PID  <Process Id>

Example 2: how to stop port 8080

netstat  -ano  |  findstr  <Port Number>

Example 3: port 8080 already in use

netstat -ano | findstr 8080

Example 4: port already in use spring boot

> netstat -ano | findstr *<port used>*

  TCP*<port used>*              LISTENING       *<pid>*
  TCP    [::]:*<port used>*     [::]:0                 LISTENING       *<pid>*

> taskkill /F /PID *<pid>*
SUCCESS: The process with PID *<pid>* has been terminated.

Example 5: port 8080 already in use

taskkill /F /pid 1088