what is a binary tree in data structure code example

Example 1: binary tree in data structure

void insert(int data) {
   struct node *tempNode = (struct node*) malloc(sizeof(struct node));
   struct node *current;
   struct node *parent;

   tempNode->data = data;
   tempNode->leftChild = NULL;
   tempNode->rightChild = NULL;

   //if tree is empty, create root node
   if(root == NULL) {
      root = tempNode;
   } else {
      current = root;
      parent  = NULL;

      while(1) {                
         parent = current;

         //go to left of the tree
         if(data < parent->data) {
            current = current->leftChild;                
            //insert to the left
            if(current == NULL) {
               parent->leftChild = tempNode;
         //go to right of the tree
         else {
            current = current->rightChild;
            //insert to the right
            if(current == NULL) {
               parent->rightChild = tempNode;

Example 2: tree data structure

If root is NULL 
   then create root node

If root exists then
   compare the data with node.data
   while until insertion position is located

      If data is greater than node.data
         goto right subtree
         goto left subtree

   insert data
end If