what is a treeSet code example

Example 1: TreeSet

// par défaut
TreeSet ensemble = new TreeSet();
// comparateur
Comparator comparateur = new Comparateur();
TreeSet ensemble = new TreeSet(comparateur);

// classe Comparateur implémentant l'interface Comparator
public class Comparateur implements Comparator {
  public int compare(Object obj1, Object obj2){
    return ((Comparable)obj2).compareTo(obj1);
  public boolean equals(Object obj){
    return this.equals(obj);

Example 2: treeset

TreeSet: Can contain only unique values and it is sorted in ascending order
TreeMap: Can contain only unique keys and keys are sorted in ascending order.

Example 3: TreeSet

// extrait de la classe TreeSet
public class TreeSet extends AbstractSet
        implements SortedSet, Cloneable, java.io.Serializable {
  public TreeSet() {
    this(new TreeMap());