what is class code example
Example 1: what is a class
A class is a block of code that holds various functions. Because they
are located inside a class they are named methods but mean the samne
thing. In addition variables that are stored inside a class are named
attributes. The point of a class is to call the class later allowing you
to access as many functions or (methods) as you would like with the same
class name. These methods are grouped together under one class name due
to them working in association with eachother in some way.
Example 2: what is class
Class is a blueprint or template which you can create as many objects as you
like. Object is a member or instance of a class.
Class is declared using class keyword, Object is created through
new keyword mainly. A class is a template for objects. A class defines
object properties including a valid range of values, and a default value.
A class also describes object behavior.