where did you learn rock paper scissors code example
Example 1: rock paper scissors
My Rock Paper Scissor game:
Please give me a like if you appreciate :)
Example 2: rock paper scissors
import random
print('Get ready for rock,paper,scissors')
user = input('Enter your element:')
element = ['I choose Rock', 'I choose Paper', 'I choose Scissors']
AI = random.choice(element)
if AI == str('I choose Rock') and user == str('rock'):
print('Its a tie')
if AI == str('I choose Paper') and user == str('paper'):
print('Its a tie')
if AI == str('I choose Scissors') and user == str('scissors'):
print('Its a tie')
if AI == str('I choose Rock') and user == str('paper'):
print('You won')
if AI == str('I choose Rock') and user == str('scissors'):
print('You lost')
if AI == str('I choose Paper') and user == str('rock'):
print('You lost')
if AI == str('I choose Scissors') and user == str('rock'):
print('You won')
if AI == str('I choose Paper') and user == str('rock'):
print('You lost')
if AI == str('I choose Paper') and user == str('scissors'):
print('You won')
if AI == str('I choose Rock') and user == str('paper'):
print('You won')
if AI == str('I choose Scissors') and user == str('paper'):
print('You lost')
if AI == str('I choose Scissors') and user == str('paper'):
print('You lost')
if AI == str('I choose Scissors') and user == str('rock'):
print('You won')
if AI == str('I choose Paper') and user == str('scissors'):
print('You won')
if AI == str('I choose Rock') and user == str('scissors'):
print('You lost')
def restartgame():
print('Get ready for rock,paper,scissors')
user = input('Enter your element:')
element = ['I choose Rock', 'I choose Paper', 'I choose Scissors']
AI = random.choice(element)
if AI == str('I choose Rock') and user == str('rock'):
print('Its a tie')
if AI == str('I choose Paper') and user == str('paper'):
print('Its a tie')
if AI == str('I choose Scissors') and user == str('scissors'):
print('Its a tie')
if AI == str('I choose Rock') and user == str('paper'):
print('You won')
if AI == str('I choose Rock') and user == str('scissors'):
print('You lost')
if AI == str('I choose Paper') and user == str('rock'):
print('You lost')
if AI == str('I choose Scissors') and user == str('rock'):
print('You won')
if AI == str('I choose Paper') and user == str('rock'):
print('You lost')
if AI == str('I choose Paper') and user == str('scissors'):
print('You won')
if AI == str('I choose Rock') and user == str('paper'):
print('You won')
if AI == str('I choose Scissors') and user == str('paper'):
print('You lost')
if AI == str('I choose Scissors') and user == str('paper'):
print('You lost')
if AI == str('I choose Scissors') and user == str('rock'):
print('You won')
if AI == str('I choose Paper') and user == str('scissors'):
print('You won')
if AI == str('I choose Rock') and user == str('scissors'):
print('You lost')
again = input('Would you like to play again')
if again == str('yes'):
if again == str('no'):
raise SystemExit(0)
again = input('Would you like to play again')
if again == str('yes'):
if again == str('no'):
raise SystemExit(0)