Python: write a wav file into numpy float array
>>> from import read
>>> a = read("adios.wav")
>>> numpy.array(a[1],dtype=float)
array([ 128., 128., 128., ..., 128., 128., 128.])
Typically it would be bytes which are then ints... here we just convert it to float type.
You can read about read here:
Seven years after the question was asked...
import wave
import numpy
# Read file to get buffer
ifile ="input.wav")
samples = ifile.getnframes()
audio = ifile.readframes(samples)
# Convert buffer to float32 using NumPy
audio_as_np_int16 = numpy.frombuffer(audio, dtype=numpy.int16)
audio_as_np_float32 = audio_as_np_int16.astype(numpy.float32)
# Normalise float32 array so that values are between -1.0 and +1.0
max_int16 = 2**15
audio_normalised = audio_as_np_float32 / max_int16