python 'x days ago' to datetime

Sure you can do it. You just need a timedelta.

s = "3 days ago"
parsed_s = [s.split()[:2]]
time_dict = dict((fmt,float(amount)) for amount,fmt in parsed_s)
dt = datetime.timedelta(**time_dict)
past_time = - dt

As an aside, it looks like dateutil has a relativedelta which acts like a timedelta, but the constructor also accepts months and years in the arguments (and apparently the arguments need to be integers).

Since your arguments are something like 2 days ago, 3 months ago, 2 years ago. The function below could be of help in getting the exact date for the arguments. You first need to import the following date utils

import datetime
from dateutil.relativedelta import relativedelta

Then implement the function below

def get_past_date(str_days_ago):
    TODAY =
    splitted = str_days_ago.split()
    if len(splitted) == 1 and splitted[0].lower() == 'today':
        return str(TODAY.isoformat())
    elif len(splitted) == 1 and splitted[0].lower() == 'yesterday':
        date = TODAY - relativedelta(days=1)
        return str(date.isoformat())
    elif splitted[1].lower() in ['hour', 'hours', 'hr', 'hrs', 'h']:
        date = - relativedelta(hours=int(splitted[0]))
        return str(
    elif splitted[1].lower() in ['day', 'days', 'd']:
        date = TODAY - relativedelta(days=int(splitted[0]))
        return str(date.isoformat())
    elif splitted[1].lower() in ['wk', 'wks', 'week', 'weeks', 'w']:
        date = TODAY - relativedelta(weeks=int(splitted[0]))
        return str(date.isoformat())
    elif splitted[1].lower() in ['mon', 'mons', 'month', 'months', 'm']:
        date = TODAY - relativedelta(months=int(splitted[0]))
        return str(date.isoformat())
    elif splitted[1].lower() in ['yrs', 'yr', 'years', 'year', 'y']:
        date = TODAY - relativedelta(years=int(splitted[0]))
        return str(date.isoformat())
        return "Wrong Argument format"

You can then call the function like this:

print get_past_date('5 hours ago')
print get_past_date('yesterday')
print get_past_date('3 days ago')
print get_past_date('4 months ago')
print get_past_date('2 years ago')
print get_past_date('today')