python xgboost example

Example 1: google.protobuf.Struct example python

from google.protobuf.internal.well_known_types import Struct

s = Struct()
s.update({"key": "value"})

Example 2: python pygeoip example

def main(argv):
    print(BANNER.format(APP_NAME, VERSION))

    print("[+] Resolving host...")
    host = gethostaddr()
    if (host is None or not host):
       print("[!] Unable to resolve host {}".format(target))
       print("[!] Make sure the host is up: ping -c1 {}\n".format(target))

    print("[+] Host {} has address: {}".format(target, host))
    print("[+] Tracking host...")

    query = pygeoip.GeoIP(DB_FILE)
    result = query.record_by_addr(host)

    if (result is None or not result):
        print("[!] Host location not found")

    print("[+] Host location found:")
    print json.dumps(result, indent=4, sort_keys=True, ensure_ascii=False, encoding="utf-8")


Misc Example