PyTorch has CUDA Version=10.2 and torchvision has CUDA Version=10.1. Please reinstall the torchvision that matches your PyTorch install. code example

Example 1: how to install torch cuda 11

pip install torch==1.7.1+cu110 torchvision==0.8.2+cu110 torchaudio===0.7.2 -f

Example 2: install pytorch cuda 10

# CUDA 9.2
conda install pytorch==1.2.0 torchvision==0.4.0 cudatoolkit=9.2 -c pytorch

# CUDA 10.0
conda install pytorch==1.2.0 torchvision==0.4.0 cudatoolkit=10.0 -c pytorch

# CPU Only
conda install pytorch==1.2.0 torchvision==0.4.0 cpuonly -c pytorch