QByteArray to QString
you can use QString::fromAscii()
QByteArray data = entity->getData();
QString s_data = QString::fromAscii(data.data());
with data()
returning a char*
for QT5, you should use fromCString()
instead, as fromAscii()
is deprecated, see https://bugreports.qt-project.org/browse/QTBUG-21872 https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG-21872
You can use this QString constructor for conversion from QByteArray to QString:
QString(const QByteArray &ba)
QByteArray data;
QString DataAsString = QString(data);
You can use:
You can use QTextCodec to convert the bytearray to a string:
QString DataAsString = QTextCodec::codecForMib(1015)->toUnicode(Data);
(1015 is UTF-16, 1014 UTF-16LE, 1013 UTF-16BE, 106 UTF-8)
From your example we can see that the string "test"
is encoded as "t\0 e\0 s\0 t\0 \0 \0"
in your encoding, i.e. every ascii character is followed by a \0
-byte, or resp. every ascii character is encoded as 2 bytes. The only unicode encoding in which ascii letters are encoded in this way, are UTF-16 or UCS-2 (which is a restricted version of UTF-16), so in your case the 1015 mib is needed (assuming your local endianess is the same as the input endianess).