Qdebug display hex value
The solution is simple:
#include <QDebug>
int value = 0x12345;
qDebug() << "Value : " << hex << value;
You could format string first:
int myValue = 0x1234;
QString valueInHex= QString("%1").arg(myValue , 0, 16);
qDebug() << "value = " << valueInHex;
Another way of doing this would be:
int value = 0xFFFF;
qDebug() << QString::number(value, 16);
Hope this helps.
Edit: To remove the quotes you can cast the number as a pointer, as qt will format that without using quotes. For instance:
int value = 0xFFFF;
qDebug() << (void *) value;
Slightly hackish, but it works.