Qt compiler warning: overriding commands for target / ignoring old commands for target

I got the same error once , maybe source of your problem is different but I will write anyways. In my *.pro file, it was like :

SOURCES += main.cpp\
    serialHelper.cpp \

HEADERS  += mainwindow.h\
     += serialHelper.h \
serialHelper.h \

cpp and header file was repeating itself. I delete the repeating includes and problem solved for me .

In a lot of cases this error is related to QMake just putting all the object files in a flat folder in the build directory, which then causes problems if two source files have the same name, even though they might be in different folders. Such as

SOURCES += foo.cpp
SOURCES += bar.cpp
SOURCES += bla/foo.cpp
SOURCES += bla/bar.cpp

In this case QMake would complain about both foo.o and bar.o.

The solution to this problem is to add

CONFIG += object_parallel_to_source

to the .pro file which will cause the build folder to mirror the folder hierarchy of the source tree. Not sure why this isn't the default.

The problem and solution have been previously pointed out here but not in the context of the warning message discussed in this thread.

make clean and then make should solve this problem. :) (Or right click on project in Qt Creator -> Clean and then right click on project in Qt Creator -> Rebuild).

If it does not work, manually delete the makefile and the rebuild then project.




