Qt Creator Android error "Platform SDK installed"

I just found this bugreport, where in the comments can be found

The native 'sdkmanager' tool can not update packages on windows and it fails with JDK 9 and these issues cascades to Qt Creator also.

I just tried installing JDK 8 and changing the path, and after reopening the settings menu it had worked!

After lot of effort I am able to fix this issue, thanks to Mohammad Kanan, Vesafary who's answer made me get closer to Answer, Actual issue resolved with the following steps. It may be helpful who are facing the same issue In Ubuntu or may work on other platforms as well.

  1. First Step is (as most of the answers suggest) changed from JDK 9 to JDK 8. I am using Java version "1.8.0_152".
  2. Step 1 didn't help me (Qt creator Persist some Settings), so i removed complete Qt 5.8,5.9,5.10 installation (Using Qt Maintainace tool) and following 2 links Uninstall Qt Completely, Uninstall Qt Creator.

and did Instalation again. May be your problem get resolved at this step.

  1. Step 2 also didn't help in my case, QT Creator still persist few settings and need to reset Qt creator settings. That can be done by deleting data in this folder

    ~/.config/QtProject ~/.config/Qt file ~/.config/QtProject.conf

path may be different in different System and OS. following links will be helpful in this case.

Creator FAQ

Stack Overflow Qt Settings 1

Stack Overflow Qt Settings 2

Now i am able to build and run android application.

I am using the answer box to show you how it works for me, one last comment: I don't install NDK 16 .. try remove it from Android manager; while (For Qt) install seperately NDK 10e (this was a Qt recommendation already). enter image description here

And Qt configuration side: enter image description here

enter image description here