Quality control when exporting graphics into JPG
In the help file for Jpeg, there is the option to control the quality of the export. The default value of CompressionLevel
is 0.25. Decreasing this will help to give better jpegs. The other thing you can do is to set the ImageSize
larger. This creates a larger picture that gets compressed into jpeg, again improving the resolution. So together, these are:
pl1 = ListPlot3D[lst,PlotRange -> All,ColorFunction -> Function[{x, y, z},
Hue[0.9 z + 0.1]], ImageSize->1000]
Export[NotebookDirectory[] <> "exportTrial.jpg", pl1, "JPG", "CompressionLevel"->0]
I think you may find that increasing the resolution like this also fixes your Glow
It is not about ImageSize, is ImageResolution what you are looking for.
Just do the following,
Export["mygraph.png", ImageResolution->YOURdpi];