Query to Recursively Identify Object Dependencies


Wrote this Stored Procedure below which RECURSIVELY lists all the dependent child objects and child's dependent objects and child's child...etc. The input parameter can be Stored Proc, User Function, View. Can easily be altered to get a Unique List of Column 5, regardless of what Level the Object was called and how deep and by which object.


  1. UsedByObjectId - The parent object that uses the dependent object
  2. UsedByObjectName - The name of the parent object
  3. UsedByObjectType - Type of the parent object (P,V,FN)
  4. DependentObjectId - The child object the parent uses
  5. DependentObjectName - Name of the child object
  6. DependentObjectType - Type of the dependent child object (P,V,FN, U)
  7. Level - How deep, the nested recursive level which the object is used


--== utlGetAllDependentObjectsRecursive - Uses recursive common table
--==     expression to recursively get all the dependent objects as well
--==     as the child objects and child's child objects of a 
--==     Stored Procedure or View or Function.  can be easily modified to 
--==     include all other types of Objects
CREATE PROCEDURE utlGetAllDependentObjectsRecursive
   -- Supports Stored Proc, View, User Function, User Table
    WITH CTE_DependentObjects AS
        b.object_id AS UsedByObjectId, 
        b.name AS UsedByObjectName, b.type AS UsedByObjectType, 
        c.object_id AS DependentObjectId, 
        c.name AS DependentObjectName , c.type AS DependenObjectType
        FROM  sys.sysdepends a
        INNER JOIN sys.objects b ON a.id = b.object_id
        INNER JOIN sys.objects c ON a.depid = c.object_id
        WHERE b.type IN ('P','V', 'FN') AND c.type IN ('U', 'P', 'V', 'FN') 
    CTE_DependentObjects2 AS
          UsedByObjectId, UsedByObjectName, UsedByObjectType,
          DependentObjectId, DependentObjectName, DependenObjectType, 
          1 AS Level
       FROM CTE_DependentObjects a
       WHERE a.UsedByObjectName = @PARAM_OBJECT_NAME
       UNION ALL 
          a.UsedByObjectId, a.UsedByObjectName, a.UsedByObjectType,
          a.DependentObjectId, a.DependentObjectName, a.DependenObjectType, 
          (b.Level + 1) AS Level
       FROM CTE_DependentObjects a
       INNER JOIN  CTE_DependentObjects2 b 
          ON a.UsedByObjectName = b.DependentObjectName
    SELECT DISTINCT * FROM CTE_DependentObjects2 
    ORDER BY Level, DependentObjectName    

I saw this post to identify all the objects that reference a particular synonym and used the base logic in the answer in a recursive CTE to identify all the objects related to a comma-delimited list of the objects within the top level query being executed.

Declare @baseObjects Nvarchar(1000) = '[Schema].[Table],[Schema].[View],[Schema].[Function],[Schema].[StoredProc]',
        @SQL Nvarchar(Max);

Declare @objects Table (SchemaName Varchar(512), TableName Varchar(512), ID Int, xtype Varchar(10));

Set     @SQL = 'Select  ss.name As SchemaName,
                        so.name As TableName,
                From    sysobjects so
                Join    sys.schemas ss
                        On  so.uid = ss.schema_id
                Where   so.id In (Object_ID(''' + Replace(@baseObjects,',','''),Object_ID(''') + '''))';

Insert  @objects
Exec    sp_executeSQL @SQL;

With    test As
        Select  ss.name As SchemaName,
                so.name As TableName,
        From    sys.sql_expression_dependencies sed
        Join    @objects vo
                On  sed.referencing_id = vo.ID
        Join    sysobjects so
                On  sed.referenced_id = so.id
        Join    sys.schemas ss
                On  so.uid = ss.schema_id
        Union   All
        Select  ss.name As SchemaName,
                so.name As TableName,
        From    test
        Join    sys.sql_expression_dependencies sed
                On  sed.referencing_id = test.id
                And sed.referencing_id <> sed.referenced_id
        Join    sysobjects so
                On  sed. referenced_id = so.id
        Join    sys.schemas ss
                On  so.uid = ss.schema_id
Select  Distinct *
From    test
Select  *
From    @objects;

In SQL Server 2008 there are two new Dynamic Management Functions introduced to keep track of object dependencies: sys.dm_sql_referenced_entities and sys.dm_sql_referencing_entities:

1/ Returning the entities that refer to a given entity:

        referencing_schema_name, referencing_entity_name, 
        referencing_class_desc, is_caller_dependent
FROM sys.dm_sql_referencing_entities ('<TableName>', 'OBJECT')

2/ Returning entities that are referenced by an object:

        referenced_schema_name, referenced_entity_name, referenced_minor_name, 
        referenced_class_desc, is_caller_dependent, is_ambiguous
FROM sys.dm_sql_referenced_entities ('<StoredProcedureName>', 'OBJECT');

Another option is to use a pretty useful tool called SQL Dependency Tracker from Red Gate.