Question about GCC Optimizer and why this code always returns 42?

int main(int argc, char** argv) {
    switch (argc) {
        case 1000: return 42;
        int y = 24;
        default: return y;
    return argc;

To explain this a bit more, a switch doesn't exactly do a linear progression. The logic equivalent to this would be:

"If argc is 1000, return 42. Otherwise return y"

The int y = 24; is never used since it's never reached, the compiler can optimize this out, and since there's UB in the case of a default, it might as well return 42.

To fix this and behave the way I suspect you intend, you just need to declare y outside of the switch statement.

int main(int argc, char** argv) {
    int y = 24;
    switch (argc) {
        case 1000: return 42;
        default: return y;
    return argc;

Cases in a switch are to be regarded as labels. If we translate your code to the equivalent goto-spaghetti, it might be easier to understand:

int main(int argc, char** argv) 
  if(argc == 1000) 
    goto label_1000;
    goto label_default;

  label_1000: return 42;

  int y = 24;

  label_default: return y;

  return argc;

The goto label_default jumps past the label initialization of y and so it doesn't necessarily get executed. The same thing happens in your switch.

Best practice when declaring variables inside switches is therefore to always use a compound statement per case:

case 1000:
  int y = 24;

Apart from preventing spaghetti bugs, this also reduces the scope of the variable to the specific case.