Questions on macro writing in TeX to modify an existing style file: fancybox.sty

I'd do something like this to parameterise the macro









enter image description here

Also don't do this

{\huge A HISTORY OF\\

As that ends the font size before paragraph ends so sets huge text on a normal baseline. (You do the same with \small and possibly some other size changes)

I am providing a more general answer to your questions:

How to a create a parametric version of \doublebox?

In the absence of any pre-defined hooks in an existing macro, you have three choices:

  1. Re-write the existing macro fully.
  2. Inject code via using the LaTeX2e macro \g@addto@macro or using similar macros from the etoolbox package.
  3. Use the existing macro and add parameters, using a key-value interface.

I personally prefer a combination of 1) and 3), which I will explain in detail below using the LaTeX macro \rule as an example, which might come handy for your particular case.

The normal command has the format:


Personally, I have trouble remembering if the width comes first or the height when calling the macro, also it would be nice if one can set the color as well. A command of the form:

   \Rule[rule color = thegray,
            rule thickness = 1pt,
            rule raised = 2pt,
            rule width = 85pt]      

is preferable, as the key values can be typed in any order and also one can set default values at the beginning of a document. If you notice I capitalized the name of the macro as it is considered good practice to try and not change existing macros, if possible.

I also use PGF keys, as I find it quicker to code them.


\definecolor{thegray} {rgb}{0.9,0.9,0.9}

% create family of keys called rule
\pgfkeys{/rule/.is family}

\cxset{rule width/.store in = \rulewidth@my,
       rule thickness/.store in=\rulethickness@my,
       rule color/.code ={\setcolor{#1}},
       rule raised/.store in = \ruleraised@my

\cxset{rule thickness = 10pt,
       rule raised = 2pt,
       rule width = 45pt}

\newcommand\Rule[1][rule color = thegray,
       rule thickness = 1pt,
       rule raised = 2pt,
       rule width = 85pt]{%


\Rule[rule width=60pt, 
      rule color= purple]


See if you can use this approach and modify \doublebox to your requirements. If you succeed post the answer.