Quickly enter command-line parameters for Visual Studio debugging?
Macro below should help. Open "Tools->Macros->Macro Explorer", then create new module, edit it, and copy-paste code below. Required command is SetCommandArgsProperty. UI is not nice, but it works (VS 2005, I hope this will also work in VS 2010). Then add any shortcut you like to run this macro.
Here are some details:
- Find startup project
- Select it active configuration and find property with name "CommandArguments"
- Create edit box with the current value in it
Update property if OK is selected
Sub SetCommandArgsProperty() Dim newVal As Object newVal = InputValue(GetCommandArgsPropertyValue()) If TypeOf newVal Is String Then SetCommandArgsProperty(newVal) End If End Sub Function InputValue(ByVal defaultText As String) Dim frm As New System.Windows.Forms.Form Dim btn As New System.Windows.Forms.Button Dim edit As New System.Windows.Forms.TextBox edit.Text = defaultText edit.Width = 100 btn.Text = "OK" btn.DialogResult = System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK frm.Text = "Input command line properties" frm.Controls.Add(btn) btn.Dock = System.Windows.Forms.DockStyle.Bottom frm.Controls.Add(edit) edit.Dock = System.Windows.Forms.DockStyle.Top frm.Height = 80 frm.Width = 300 If frm.ShowDialog() = System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK Then Return edit.Text End If Return System.DBNull.Value End Function Function GetCommandArgsProperty() As EnvDTE.Property Dim solution As Solution Dim project As Project Dim sb As SolutionBuild Dim str As String Dim cm As ConfigurationManager Dim config As Configuration Dim properties As Properties Dim prop As EnvDTE.Property solution = DTE.Solution sb = solution.SolutionBuild For Each str In sb.StartupProjects project = solution.Item(str) cm = project.ConfigurationManager config = cm.ActiveConfiguration properties = config.Properties For Each prop In properties If prop.Name = "CommandArguments" Then Return prop End If Next Next End Function Function GetCommandArgsPropertyValue() Return GetCommandArgsProperty().Value End Function Sub SetCommandArgsProperty(ByVal value As String) GetCommandArgsProperty().Value = value End Sub
The extension CLIArgsMadeEasy 2010/2012 is a great little thing that puts the project's debug session's command line arguments right in a little text box on the visual studio toolbar, IMO, its alot easier and less tedious than using macros.
The Link
You can just type CLIArgsMadeEasy in your search box in the extensions manager which will find it fairly quickly in the gallery, thats how I installed it, if you need to know. Hope this helps!