Quota exceeded when updating users with Firebase Admin SDK - how can I request more?

For everybody having the same issue, here is a solution.

I contacted firebase support and got this answer

If you try to update a user’s information at once (more than 10 users or requests per second), then you'll be encountering this error message "Exceeded quota for updating account information". Please note that when we get a huge amount of requests in a short period of time, throttling is applied automatically to protect our servers. You may try sending the requests sequentially (distribute the load) instead of sending them in parallel. So basically, you'll need to process them one at a time (instead of all at once) in order to avoid the error.

So i solved this with a timeout that sends an individual record every 100ms

function listAllUsers(nextPageToken) {
        let timeout = 0;
        admin.auth().listUsers(1000, nextPageToken)
            .then(function (listUsersResult) {
                listUsersResult.users.forEach(function (userRecord) {
                    timeout = timeout + 100
                    nextUser(userRecord.uid, timeout)
                if (listUsersResult.pageToken) {
            .catch(function (error) {
                console.log('Error listing users:', error);

The nextUser function:

function nextUser(uid, timeout) { 
        setTimeout(() => {
            admin.auth().setCustomUserClaims(uid, { client: true }).then(() => {
            }).catch(function (error) {
                console.log('Error setting user:', error);
        }, timeout);

firebaser here

If you're running into quota limits that can't be changed from the Firebase console, reach out to Firebase support for personalized help. They can typically help raise quota temporarily, and it's also a great indicator for our engineering team on the need for a feature.

I ran into the same issue mentioned above while updating custom auth claims for all users. I was able to solve it through this alternative implementation of running updates in sequence without relying on timeouts.

This waits for the previous promise to resolve before executing the next update

try {
    const promises = await IterateAllUsers();
    await promises.reduce(async (previousPromise, nextAsyncFunctionPromise) => {
        await previousPromise;
        const nextAsyncFunction = await nextAsyncFunctionPromise
        // Actual execution
        await nextAsyncFunction();
    }, Promise.resolve());
} catch(error) {

Whatever you have to iterate over but it should at least return an Array of Promises of Function to execute later

async function IterateAllUsers(): Promise<Array<Promise<Function>>> {
    const promises: Array<Promise<Function>> = [];
    await // Iterate Authentication Users or Database Collection etc.
    promises.push(updateAuthCustomClaims(user.key, someValue));    
    return Promise.resolve(promises);

The higher order function to fill the array with tasks to execute later

async function updateAuthCustomClaims(uid: string, someValue): Promise<Function> {
    return async () => {
        try {
            await admin.auth().setCustomUserClaims(uid,{someValue});
            console.log('Updated user: ', uid);
        } catch(error) {
            console.warn('Could not add custom claim due to: ', error);
        return Promise.resolve();