R Draw All Axis Labels (Prevent Some From Being Skipped)

If you want to force all labels to display, even when they are very close or overlapping, you can "trick" R into displaying them by adding odd and even axis labels with separate calls to the axis function, as follows:

labs <-c("0\n9.3%","1\n7.6%","2\n5.6%","3\n5.1%","4\n5.7%","5\n6.5%","6\n7.3%",
         "7\n7.6%","8\n7.5%","9\n7%", "10\n6.2%","11\n5.2%","12\n4.2%",13:27)
plot(1:28, xaxt = "n")
axis(side=1, at=seq(1,n,2), labels=labs[seq(1,n,2)], cex.axis=0.6)
axis(side=1, at=seq(2,n,2), labels=labs[seq(2,n,2)], cex.axis=0.6)

enter image description here

You can play with cex.axis to get the text size that you want. Note, also, that you may have to adjust the number of values in at= and/or labels= so that they are equal.

I agree with @PLapointe and @joran that it's generally better not to tamper with R's default behavior regarding overlap. However, I've had a few cases where axis labels looked fine even when they weren't quite a full "m-width" apart, and I hit on the trick of alternating odd and even labels as a way to get the behavior I wanted.

Although there are some good answers here, the OP didn't want to resize the labels or change anything about the plot besides fitting all of the axis labels. It's annoying, since often there appears to be plenty of room to fit all of the axis labels.

Here's another solution. Draw the plot without the axis, then add ticks with empty labels. Store the positions of the ticks in an object, so then you can go through each one and place it in the correct position on the axis.

plot(1:10, 1:10, yaxt = "n") axis_ticks = axis(2, axTicks(2), labels = rep("", length(axTicks(2)))) for(i in axis_ticks) axis(2, i)

?axis tells you that:

The code tries hard not to draw overlapping tick labels, and so will omit labels where they would abut or overlap previously drawn labels. This can result in, for example, every other tick being labelled. (The ticks are drawn left to right or bottom to top, and space at least the size of an ‘m’ is left between labels.)

Play with cex.axis so that labels are small enough to fit without overlapping

labs <-c("0\n9.3%","1\n7.6%","2\n5.6%","3\n5.1%","4\n5.7%","5\n6.5%","6\n7.3%",
         "7\n7.6%","8\n7.5%","9\n7%", "10\n6.2%","11\n5.2%","12\n4.2%",12:27)
plot(1:27,xaxt = "n")
axis(side=1, at=1:27, labels=labs[0:27],cex.axis=0.35)

If you widen you graph (manually by dragging or programmatically), you can increase the size of your labels.

@PLapointe just posted what I was going to say, but omitted the bonus answer.

Set padj = 0.5 in axis to move the labels down slightly.

