first row as header in r excel code example

Example 1: make the first row as header in r

dat <- dat[-1,]

Example 2: make the first row as header in r

names(dat) <- as.matrix(dat[1, ])
dat <- dat[-1, ]
dat[] <- lapply(dat, function(x) type.convert(as.character(x)))
##     Zip CuCurrent PaCurrent PoCurrent      Contact Ext          Fax email Status
## 1 74136         0         1         0 918-491-6998   0 918-491-6659     0      1
## 2 30329         1         0         0 404-321-5711   0            0     0      1
## 3 74136         1         0         0 918-523-2516   0 918-523-2522     0      1
## 4 80203         0         1         0 303-864-1919   0            0     0      1
## 5 80120         1         0         0 345-098-8890 456            0     0      1


R Example