R missing() with variable names

You probably first tried something like missing(as.name(formalNames[1])) or missing(formalNames[1]) and found that they do not work.

The reason they don't is that missing() is one of those odd functions -- library() and debug() are a couple of others -- that will accept as an argument either a name or a character representation of a name. That's 'nice' in the sense that missing(a) and missing("a") will both check whether the function call included a supplied argument a; it's not so nice when you do missing(formalNames[1]) and it goes off to look for a non-existent argument named formalNames[1].

The solution is to use do.call(), which evaluates the elements of its second argument before passing them on to the function given in its first argument. Here's what you might do:

demoargs <- function(a=3, b=2, d) {
    formalNames <- names(formals()) # get variable names: a, b, d
    do.call(missing, list(formalNames[1]))

## Try it out
# [1] FALSE
# [1] TRUE