Race condition in Amplify.Hub signIn handler when using oath

Perhaps the old way of JavaScript for waiting for value to be populated is useful to ensure that code does not fail even if the it takes longer than expected in populating the value.

Here is a sample code that I normally use when no other options are available.

    if(myVar!= null && typeof myVar !== "undefined"){
        //value exists, do what you want
        setTimeout(() => {this.waitForValue()}, 100);

You can refactor this sample code as per your need.

Alternatively, AWS Amplify also have other ways to get current logged in user session. e.g. Auth.currentAuthenticatedUser() and Auth.currentSession() return promise. They can be used like this

private async getUser(){
    let user = null;
    try {
      user = await Auth.currentAuthenticatedUser();
    } catch (err) {
    //return user;