rack-attack + block requests for +"/../" code example
Example 1: rack attack throttle
Rack::Attack.enabled = false
Example 2: rack attack throttle
# config/initializers/rack_attack.rb (for rails apps)
Rack::Attack.throttle("requests by ip", limit: 5, period: 2) do |request|
# Throttle login attempts for a given email parameter to 6 reqs/minute
# Return the *normalized* email as a discriminator on POST /login requests
Rack::Attack.throttle('limit logins per email', limit: 6, period: 60) do |req|
if req.path == '/login' && req.post?
# Normalize the email, using the same logic as your authentication process, to
# protect against rate limit bypasses.
req.params['email'].to_s.downcase.gsub(/\s+/, "")
# You can also set a limit and period using a proc. For instance, after
# Rack::Auth::Basic has authenticated the user:
limit_proc = proc { |req| req.env["REMOTE_USER"] == "admin" ? 100 : 1 }
period_proc = proc { |req| req.env["REMOTE_USER"] == "admin" ? 1 : 60 }
Rack::Attack.throttle('request per ip', limit: limit_proc, period: period_proc) do |request|