Rails habtm and finding record with no association

If you convert from HABTM to has_many through (more flexible) association, then you can use something like this:

class Group < ActiveRecord::Base
  has_many :groups_users, dependent: :destroy
  has_many :users, through: :groups_users, uniq: true

  scope :in_groups, -> { includes(:groups_users).where(groups_users: {group_id: nil}) }

class User < ActiveRecord::Base
  has_many :groups_users, dependent: :destroy
  has_many :groups, through: :groups_users

class GroupsUser < ActiveRecord::Base
  belongs_to :group
  belongs_to :user

Your implicit join table would have been named groups_users based on naming conventions. Confirm it once in your db. Assuming it is:

In newer Rails version:

scope :not_in_any_group, -> {
    joins("LEFT JOIN groups_users ON users.id = groups_users.user_id")
    .where("groups_users.user_id IS NULL")

For older Rails versions:

scope :not_in_any_group, {
    :joins      => "LEFT JOIN groups_users ON users.id = groups_users.user_id",
    :conditions => "groups_users.user_id IS NULL",
    :select     => "DISTINCT users.*"