Rails User.joins.not(...) in Active Record?
Another simple solution
User.where("id NOT IN (?)", Comment.pluck(:user_id))
If you are using postgresql
you can do something like this
User.joins("LEFT join comments c on users.id = c.comment_id").
having("count(users.id) = 1")
This will generate this query
select u.id from users u
LEFT join comments c
on c.comment_id = u.id
group by u.id
having count(u.id) = 1
This query is not generating two SQL (neither nested sql), the above answer does.
You can accomplish this with:
User.includes(:comments).where.not(comments: { id: nil })
This will result in raw SQL that looks something like:
SELECT DISTINCT `users`.`*` FROM `users` LEFT OUTER JOIN `comments` ON `comments`.`user_id` = `users`.`id` WHERE `comments`.`id` IS NULL
For accomplishing this via a subquery, see the below answer.
Old Answer:
You can do something like
User.where.not(id: Comment.select(:user_id))
If you wanted a single (though nested) query.
Otherwise, check out http://guides.rubyonrails.org/active_record_querying.html#joining-tables for using an outer join.