raspberry pi code example

Example 1: raspberry pi temop

vcgencmd measure_temp

Example 2: parrot os raspberry pi

Parrot Security OS Raspberry PI image builder

* To build the image:
  * install live-build qemu-user-static tar gzip xz-utils gdisk unzip wget kpartx lvm2 dosfstools coreutils parted xfsprogs
  * run configure
  * run make

* Scripts:
  * configure
  * Makefile
  * build_parrotsec_image.sh
  * image-writer-resizer.sh

* Configuration Layout

`-- ./config

* Customization Layout

`-- ./customization

* To write an image directly to a block device (as root):
    run "make BLOCKDEVICE=/dev/BLOCK", where BLOCK is your block device
    an example: make BLOCKDEVICE=/dev/mmcblk0 or make BLOCKDEVICE=/dev/sdb

* To write and autoresize the rootfs partition to the maximum space available
  use instead image-writer-resizer.sh (as root): "./image-writer-resizer.sh /dev/DEVICE"
  where DEVICE is your block device. This script use ddrescue, so install it before
  using the script.

All the source code is under GPLv3+ .


Misc Example