Raw PDO to send IOCTL to upper filter driver (kbfiltr/moufiltr) to enable/disable device

Ok, I have finally solved this and my driver is working.

Implementation of a KMDF filter driver:

Thanks to Sergius who suggested the COM-port approach because this helped me set up WinDbg. This awesome blog post explains how to get it set up quickly, basically you let VPC set up a com port as a named pipe, enable kernel debug mode on the virtualized OS, and connect to it while it is booting. Then you can get all the DbgPrint messages when the driver is loading and do a lot more, but just the trace messages during the startup process were a huge help for me.

I think my main problem was trying to reuse an internal IOCTL in KbFiltr. This was just a bad design idea on my part because I didn't understand the difference between internal IOCTL and other IOCTLs - Internal IOCTLS such as IOCTL_INTERNAL_KEYBOARD_DISCONNECT have restricted access conditions and should only be sent by other drivers or the kernel. Also this KB article "How to send IOCTL to filter driver" is an example using the same control device structure, but it is WDM.

Anyway, after fighting with the KbFiltr example all weekend, I finally gave up and started over using the WDF Toaster/filtr example. This is a more barebones KMDF filter driver and I had to fill in a lot of blanks using KbFiltr and MouFiltr. The Toaster filter driver operation is similar to KbFiltr but it creates a control device instead of a PDO. It also sets a dos device name for the control device so you can communicate with it from usermode without having to Pinvoke to do that step. The control device allows you to control all devices which have your filter driver loaded just by iterating over the collection. A waitlock is used to synchronize access to the collection.

I also was able to just modify the INF file (to use Mouse class instead of Toaster class) and apply it straight out of the box on my test machine with no modification to the driver code! It is so much easier to start with something that is working. This page gives a comprehensive list of things you should change to adapt the samples.

First of all: You can do what you want to do (disable the touchpad on my laptop when a mouse is plugged in) in the user-mode. It will be much simpler and safer. Look at Using Device Installation Functions and WM_DEVICECHANGE

To debug problems in your code: Get a memory dump from BSOD or setup a kernel debugger connection (using a COM-port on your virtual PC redirected to a pipe). See Debugging Tools for Windows

Have fun!