react componentDidMount not firing

This happened to me when I had componentWillMount() defined 2x in the same class. This did not produce a runtime error. I simply removed the second definition and things started working.

So... lo and behold.... I finally got it working(with the help of a back-end expert). The reason why the "componentDidMount" methods weren't firing was because my server was bundling and serving all the react + html stuff on server side. (Only "render" and "getInitialState" methods get called to create the "html" template that gets delivered through the client's browser...but it stops there because it thinks it's finished)

The fix: Find a way to deliver the resulting "compiled" html through the server AND in addition, allow react's own events to be accessible and "fireable" again on the client side. When compiling my "view" file( index.js or index.html ), I included an "Application.start()" script that injects my bundle.js code into the template again. Then in my gulpfile, exported the "Application" variable so the "view" file can access it.

Gahh...pulled my hair out for this. Time to read up on server side vs. client side rendering

In my case, there was another componentDidMount earlier in the code